Your Community Radio Station in Western Australia's Avon Valley and Central Wheatbelt

We would love to send you, or your friends, a cherrio – or answer your queries about songs and artists you’ve heard and like!

Phone us in the live, on-air studio when the music is on (08) 9641 24 22.

(Please leave a message if there is no one in the studio to speak with you immediately. Remember we are there – live & local – more than 90 hours each week!)


    Dear listener, all our presenters are volunteers (hey!, how about becoming one?) and occasionally one may be absent due to illness, family needs or vacation. When a presenter is away, the station’s vast music library will keep you well entertained.

    Radio Station Volunteering

    Our sponsors help fund this station – your station – so we can keep presenting a huge variety of music for you (and we have heaps of fun doing that). By supporting our sponsors we keep our local community strong and 101.3fm music on the air!

    Voice of the Avon Links

    Station Sponsors

    Please support our station sponsors...